Use this form to report deed restriction violations you observe in the neighborhood. Do not abuse this report to harass neighbors or cause problems within the community.

Please be advised that both the management company (IMC) and the Board of Directors are not enforcement agencies and have no way to police violations of action (like speeding through the neighborhood, ignoring stop signs, reckless behavior of children, loose dogs, etc). This form is to report violations that are ongoing and related to property issues – ones in which followup visits by the management company can confirm exisiting violations (unapproved structures, inadequately maintained yards/buidlings/fences, obstruction of drainage easements, etc).

If you wish to report violations of action, please document the incident(s) as thoroughly as possible. You may then reach out to the Board or management company to see if either entiity can address the issue. Contact information can be found here. Otherwise, please contact the relevant local enforcement agency (police, fire marshall, animal control, etc).

Deed Restriction Violation Report Form

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